Panel options
You can mouse over most panel options to get an explanation of each item.
This page will only cover things that are not immediately obvious from the explanations built into the panel, so be sure to check those.
Default panel settings
If you expand KKBP in Blender’s addon menu, you can set default settings for the panel (so you don’t have to set them each time you restart Blender). If you don’t want to let KKBP download an older version of Blender automatically, you can manually download any version between Blender 2.80 and Blender 3.6 yourself and put the direct path to blender.exe in the box below

- Instructions for exporting studio objects from the game and importing them using the button in the panel can be found here
- Instructions for exporting animations from the game and applying them using the button in the panel can be found here if you prefer text or here if you prefer video
- If the “Use KKBP Armature” option was selected during import but you now want to swap to a Rigify armature, you can click the “Convert for Rigify” button to permanentally convert the KKBP one to a Rigify one.
- The “Separate Eyes and Eyebrows” button will separate the eyes and eyebrows into separate objects, then link their shapekeys to the Body object’s shapekeys. This can be combined with the Cryptomatte compositor features to make the Eyes and Eyebrows show through the hair. See this video for an example of selecting objects with Cryptomatte.
- The “Setup Materials for Material Combiner” button will set up your materials for Shotariya’s Material Combiner addon. You must Finalize your materials before you can do this.