Exporter Panel settings

Each setting in the exporter panel will be briefly detailed on this page.

Keep current pose

The pose is usually reset to a T pose during export. Enable this option to not reset to a T pose, and to keep the pose you have selected in the character maker. Because a pose is pre-applied to the armature, the armature will not work correctly in blender. This setting may be useful for 3D prints of koikatsu models or for stills. This exporter setting will force the Koikatsu armature in blender. See the picture below for an example of a pose being applied to the model.

Export without physics

Some outfits rely on in-game physics to look correct. Enable this option to disable the in-game physics during export. This may make certain outfits look weird because of the lack of physics, but it is useful if you want to apply your own physics to the model in blender.

Enable shapekeys

Shapekeys are reverted to their default values during export. Enable this option to apply any shapekeys you have enabled in the character maker to the base mesh. Because the mesh is pre-deformed, other shapekeys will not work correctly in blender. Tear and gag eye shapekeys will also not work in blender. See the picture below for an example of some shapekeys being pre-applied to the base mesh.

Export variations

This will export any available clothing variations. Not all clothes have variations.
When imported, the variations will be hidden in the outliner by default.

Export single outfit

This will make the exporter only export the current outfit, so if you only want one outfit this will dramatically increase your koikatsu export times and blender import times.

Export hit meshes

This will export the hit mesh. An example of the hit mesh is shown below.

Enable pushups

Outfit pushups (shown below) are disabled during export. Enable this option on the exporter to re-enable pushups.